Updates from Adam Isacson (October 30, 2023)

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This is a quick edition, as I'm on research travel. I've had dozens of meetings in several towns in two regions of Colombia, plus Bogotá, since Sunday the 22nd. Today, I'm going to another region. Then a day and a half in Bogotá, and back home at the weekend.

Here's a photo update from the first region. Sorry I can't post more yet: the schedule is full during the day, and it's unwise to make one's current location public. More soon!

Back From Urabá, Colombia (posted October 27)

I spent the past few days in and around Necoclí, Colombia, an area through which tens of thousands of migrants, from dozens of countries, pass. Here, they take boats across the Gulf of Urabá to the Darién region straddling Colombia and Panama, where they undergo a treacherous several-day journey through dense jungle.

Here are a few photos. I’m in another zone of Colombia now, as research continues, so there’s no time to write much yet. We had our photographer Sergio with us, who took much better photos than the ones here.

The Darién region, viewed from across the Gulf of Urabá.
Carrying provisions, people prepare to board boats. Most people we spoke with were from Venezuela, but we also spoke with people from Ecuador, Haiti, and Cuba, and saw some migrants from China.
Migrants who can’t pay the boat fare, and fees charged by organized crime, sleep on the beach until they can get enough money together. There are no migrant shelters in Necoclí.
A smaller number of migrants lacking boat fare waits in tents near the dock in Turbo, south of Necoclí.
Water purification tablets and mosquito spray for the jungle journey.
Armed-group tag in Turbo.

Also, check out this aerial view of downtown Medellín, where we changed planes. That's it for now! See you next week.

View of downtown Medellín from an airplane

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